Salesguru Live Events Standard Terms & Conditions

SALESGURU PUBLISHING (PTY) Ltd – Live Events Standard Terms & Conditions

Please carefully read the following terms and conditions which govern the provisioning of the Sales Guru Live Event

By signing / accepting this document via the tick box, you consent to be bound by and become a party to this agreement.

  • Event Fees

Event fees exclude value added tax (β€œVAT”) and are quoted in South African Rands. VAT is applicable.

  • Booking, Invoicing and Payment

For EFT payments, our payment terms are 14 days from the date of invoice. Upon completion of your booking and agreement of these terms and conditions, an invoice will be generated and sent to you to confirm your booking. Your confirmation or signature hereto confirms that you / your company are liable for the full invoice value unless written cancellation is received 14 days prior to the event.

  • Cancellations

Cancellations received in writing 21 days before the event will be legible for a 100% refund. If for any reason a delegate is unable to attend after payment has been received an alternative delegate may attend.

NB: Should cancellations not be received in writing and before 14 days from the event date – the full value of the invoice will be liable for payment.

  • Change of Programme

In the event of unforeseen circumstances, the organisers have the right to change the programme content, the speakers, the venue or the date.

You will be notified should such a change be necessary.

Should the event be postponed, you will have the option to attend the next available date of the relevant event.

  • Power Outages

In the event of a power outage, our venues have generators which will activate immediately and there should be no break in the flow of electricity for the event to continue. Should a blackout occur, despite these precautions, Sales Guru Publishing (Pty) Ltd cannot be held liable for loss or damages.

  • Cancellation of Event

Should the event be cancelled, all payments will be refunded within 30 days of original event date.

  • Indemnity – Loss, Damages or Injury

By accepting these terms and conditions you indemnify Sales Guru Publishing (Pty) Ltd, its trainers and employees against any claim, loss or damage, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, direct, indirect and consequential losses, resulting in any way from the registration for, booking or attendance of Sales Guru Publishing (Pty) Ltd event.

  • Copyright

All material presented at the Sales Guru Live Event is owned by Sales Guru Publishing (Pty) Ltd and/or the speakers. No material may be used or reproduced in any format without written permission from Sales Guru Publishing (Pty) Ltd and/or the speakers. All rights reserved.

  • General

The terms and provisions of this Agreement may not be modified or varied unless done in writing and signed by the parties. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Republic of South Africa.